Basket with two dozen pink roses in a beautiful wicker basket.


This ccomposition of the two dozen roses with light tones in the wicker basket creates a particular style, a gift that looks good in many occasions.

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89,00 €

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The flowers are loved by everyone, fans and not, each of us is fascinated by a beautiful flowery meadow. create a floral arrangement placed in a wicker basket recalls a flowery meadow,composizioni floral presented in a basket can make the difference in important moments of life. Practical and simple, you can just put it on the shelf of a window, on a low table or even on the edge of the garden.


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Basket with two dozen pink roses in a beautiful wicker basket.

Basket with two dozen pink roses in a beautiful wicker basket.

This ccomposition of the two dozen roses with light tones in the wicker basket creates a particular style, a gift that looks good in many occasions.

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