GIVE the gift of ROSES , HEARTS ROSES, Bouquet of roses...
Lovely Bouquet of roses 12 red hanging the middle with flowers of fog...
Bouquet with 3 sunflowers, ipericum flowers of the fog and green are...
The Rose is the flower to give to excellence and every variety carries a different message. The Rose for centuries has been the symbol of love, devotion, admiration, beauty and perfection. The Rose symbolizes, also, the secret and the reveal with delicacy the meaning of The rose varies according to the number that if we give, and the coupling of colors. The two Rose together, regardless of their color, have the meaning of joining or sharing, but it usually gives an even number of roses or the classic dozen, for example, 12, 18, 24, and so on
Composition in glass with 18 red roses flowers design green leaves, a gift refined, ele gant, versatile, like each of the...
1000 ROSES-Realize her wildest dreams with the most extravagant, most passionate, romantic gift, have you ever sent. The 1,000 roses ?...
Love, passion, elegance and beauty well associated with the rose of this composition of 101 red roses.