Pink Roses
Lovely Bouquet of roses 12 red hanging the middle with flowers of fog...
Bouquet with 3 sunflowers, ipericum flowers of the fog and green are...
The pink roses symbolize, in general, grace and kindness. For a different meaning, you can choose a shade of pink darker, which indicates gratitude and appreciation. The light pink shows admiration and understanding.
Bouquet composed of fuchsia pink roses and bunches of pink roses
If you want to prsonalizzare in the number and in the colour of your packaging rose Calls the service, The artefiori. 0686329948
A symbol of the capacity to give and receive love, the color Pink gives passion and vitality in love for others and for themselves.
beautiful combination with 40 roses and red and green are complementary.
Bouquet of pink roses flowers orchids pink green berries and green complementary