Bouquet Top Blue


Give a blue rose to a friend might be to indicate the confidence we have in its regard. The blue rose, the bringer of positivity, may be ideal in the context of love but also of friendship. To communicate a total devotion, a love that is pure in which was placed the utmost confidence, we can accompany the blue card with the white roses...

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NOTE: The roses blue do not exist in nature the rose, the dark blue shown in the photo are rose and white colored chemically in order to obtain an intense shade of blue, for this reason, the rose, the dark blue must be ordered a few days before delivery, so you can ensure the freshness and quality. The blue roses are not always available. always specify an alternative color.


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Bouquet Top Blue

Bouquet Top Blue

Give a blue rose to a friend might be to indicate the confidence we have in its regard. The blue rose, the bringer of positivity, may be ideal in the context of love but also of friendship. To communicate a total devotion, a love that is pure in which was placed the utmost confidence, we can accompany the blue card with the white roses...

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